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SWCP Day 8. Bude to Crackington Haven

Today’s distance walked – approx 15.8kms (9.8miles).
Ascent – approx 760m (2,494ft)

I was up at 5.30am today, even though I wanted a little sleep-in. I packed up my tent before the forecasted rain came and enjoyed a coffee out of the wind in a sheltered part of the campsite. I left at 7.30am and walked into town. I was meeting my friend Mark, who I flatted with in The Mount in NZ about five years ago. We’d arranged to meet for breakfast at 8.30am, but there’s very little open in Bude before 9am on a Sunday!!

Breakfast in Bude with Mark 🙂

As I waited by the river I heard a little girl say ‘look at the wave mummy’. I turned around and saw a wave coming inland up the River Neet (like a tidal surge). It was really strange – and probably something I’ll never see again!
Mark and I found the Brendon Arms pub was open for breakfast. We had a magnificent full English, numerous cups of tea, and a brilliant catch-up.

I left Bude around lunchtime. I had a comparatively much shorter day today but again it was really hard work, with lots of hills!

Looking back towards Widemouth Bay

The first few Kms of trail out to Widemouth Bay were the easiest. From there it turned into large sea cliffs and steep valleys again. The terrain was similar to yesterday, some overgrown sections (more ticks, another awful, huge fly bite), occasionally a nice wide path, some fields and a little woodland.

Bude to Crackington Haven

The views were equally as amazing as yesterday and would have been even better, were it not for the low cloud and persistent drizzle.

More steps up!

I arrived into Crackington Haven at around 4.30pm. I was exhausted after only walking half a day. I had a hot chocolate in the pub and thought about wild camping options. There was some flat grassland right in the village, but it was overlooked by must of the houses and the busy pub, so I thought I’d better not sleep there.

Misty Crackington Haven

The mist, wind and drizzle continued. I reluctantly left the pub and continued on for a couple of Kms. After another climb I found a sweet, reasonably sheltered spot, on a sloping pitch on the cliff overlooking the water. The flattened area of long grass indicated that someone had camped here last night too. I got my tent up as fast as I could add it was still drizzling.
Everything was pretty wet. I hate dealing with wet stuff when I’m camping. I wrapped my wet socks around my little saucepan while I was eating my dinner, so the heat would hopefully dry them a bit.

Epic wild camp spot outside Crackington Haven

As the evening wore on a reasonably large spider crawled across my sleeping pad. Yikes!! I’m not good with spiders… Thankfully I had a tissue to hand and bravely (I thought) dealt with him. After that I noticed the proliferation of spiders of varying sizes around the tent vestibule where I keep my shoes, pack and waterproofs. I’m scared of having to get to to go to the loo in the night!! and I’ll have to do a full spider check of every item as it goes into my pack tomorrow, or before I wear it.
I had a signal on my little clifftop spot, so I checked the weather. Thankfully tomorrow is looking less wet, so I’ll be able to dry out my waterproofs. My wet socks are safely tucked under my knees in my sleeping bag 🙂

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